The Shanghai Cooperation Organisationleaders called for settling "the Iran nuclear problem through political and diplomatic means".
The majority findings of the commission, chaired by former Irish Fishermen's Organisationleader Joey Murrin, has provoked anger from driftnet fishermen.
There was general consensus that the senior-managers regime had helped organisationleaders appreciate the need to tackle bad apples, individually or in groups, in institutions.
As the tenants' associationleader, he runs a team of caretakers who are busy weeding the verges alongside the interior road.
For Congress, that means demanding they reject National Rifle Associationleaders' radical and deadly agenda.
Yorkshire AssociationsLeaders of friction.
Former Ulster Defence Associationleader Johnny Adair is due to appear at Bolton Magistrates Court today charged with assaulting his wife.
Ulster Defence Associationleaders in west Belfast rounded up pipe bombs and left them at a drop-off point in the Shankill area.
Uso de organization leader en inglés
All organizationleaders of the party were united against the nomination of President Harrison.
Then he distributed it in the districts where it was most needed by the candidates and organizationleaders.
She has secured a promise from Langhorne to be there, as well as several of the organizationleaders.
The great organizationleaders were difficult of access and carried on their campaign through trusted members of each State delegation.